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October 2022 Horoscopes

October 2022 Horoscopes
Libra Zodiac Signs: September 23 – October 22 Focus on what brings out your most authentic self, Libra. This month is allowing you to connect to your heart space. Measure up to your own expectations rather than those of others. Release the energy which limits you from expanding your sense of self-worth.

Scorpio Zodiac Signs: October 23 – November 21 Watch out for delusions, whether self-imposed or not, Scorpio, there may be something you may be missing or have got all wrong. Your mind is both a blessing and a weapon — choose wisely. This is a good moment to focus on your spiritual growth by facing your shadow self.

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs: November 22 – December 21 This month is strengthening your relationships, Sagittarius. Lean into this new spurt of energy in your social circle, as you may make important connections right now. But don’t neglect the inner work that needs to be done this month, so be sure to leave enough time this month for classic self-care.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs: December 22 – January 19 Don’t be afraid to lean on those in your community, Capricorn — it’s okay to ask for help. Be on the lookout for life-changing connections this month. How has your network impacted your path to success?

Aquarius Zodiac Signs: January 20 – February 18 It’s all about taking your mind a mile higher this month, Aquarius. It’s a good moment to focus on your inner expansion. But don’t let your ascendence into the spiritual realm make you lose sight of your aspirations in the material world.

Pisces Zodiac Signs: February 19 – March 20 Prepare for an emotionally-charged month, Pisces. Whether you’re having a change of heart or seeing things from a different perspective, this is an ideal time to let go. Take this time to release all of the restrictions that have kept you from fully accessing your capabilities.

Aries Zodiac Signs: March 21 – April 19 This is a social month for you, Aries. You’re recognizing your relationship needs and weeding out connections that don’t serve your highest and greatest good. Allow yourself to lean on others during this time.

Taurus Zodiac Signs: April 20 – May 20 It’s all about getting back in the swing of things, Taurus. Reprioritizing your obligations is necessary for growth. Let the light of your relationships help you through any readjustments you’re making.

Gemini Zodiac Signs: May 21 – June 20 Allow yourself to indulge in the simple pleasures right now, Gemini. Follow your creative curiosity to open your heart and mind. Don’t be selfish with the powerful insights you learn — share them with the world.

Cancer Zodiac Signs: June 21 – July 22 This month is connecting you to your origins, Cancer. Spending quality time with family or chosen family is ideal right now. Pursue creative projects that have been left on the back burner.

Leo Zodiac Signs: July 23 – August 22 Your social life is buzzing this month, Leo, so indulge in the attention! However, be responsible with your communication. Remember to recharge your social batteries, too.

Virgo Zodiac Signs: August 23 – September 22 What matters most to you, Virgo? Find it and put your all into it. You may encounter new ways to expand your income. Be softer and emotionally aware of how you communicate your needs right now.


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